Category: <span>Project Areas</span>

Devices and Systems for ICT

Objective: The objective of the PA is to boost the development of new components and technologies available to ICT applications, including next-generation 5G terrestrial and satellite networks, Internet of Things (IoT), environmental monitoring, diagnosis of civil structures and cultural heritage, Industry 4.0, automotive, well-being, and healthcare. In this context, the …

Future Internet

Objective: Support the (r-)evolution of the Internet, addressing both long-term and medium-term research & innovation goals. New paradigms and technologies for three synergic areas: (i) Next Generation Internet (NGI), (ii) Distributed, Parallel – High Performance Computing (HPC), (iii) Software Engineering (SW). NGI, HPC and SW are key enabling elements for …

Data, Content and Media

Objective: The PA objective is both to advance methods and technologies and to discover piece of knowledge for a better understanding of individual and collective phenomena and behaviors and for the construction of intelligent and autonomous systems in challenging domains. The main research and development challenges concern the modelling, analysis, …


Objective: Comprehensive ICT infrastructures aim to enable the complex, multi-disciplinary and globalised practice of modern science. The Project Area (PA) goal is to coordinate CNR participation in the development of innovative and more powerful ICT infrastructures at National and International level. In this role the PA intends to contribute to …

Cyber Security

Objective: prevention, detection and reaction to cyber-attacks. The needed effort is huge because 1) citizens’ everyday life relies on cyber systems, e.g. energy distribution, and healthcare, and their failures can affect millions of people 2) attacks can be caused by people thousands of kilometers far from the affected area 3) …

Robotics and Control Systems

Objective: Recent and current research in Robotics at CNR is aimed to develop new robotic systems with decisional autonomy, able to operate in complex and highly uncertain environments, also cooperating with other robots and humans. Research in Control Systems is aimed to study complex systems, possibly interconnected, nonlinear, and dependent …

Factory of the Future

Objective: To expand and promote research activities in the Manufacturing sector, which is a fundamental pillar for the technological progress and the economic and social prosperity of modern countries. Italy plays a primary role in Europe and can rely upon unique resources to preserve and enhance its competitiveness in manufacturing, such as …


Objective: Development of novel methodologies, algorithms, software tools, hardware devices, processes and technologies for clinical, medical and biotechnological applications. Scientific Results: AP Biotechnology is divided into 6 pillars fully in line with the European priorities: Analysis, management and integration of biological big data Development of network-based approaches towards precision medicine …