Mathematical modelling and control for Healthcare and Biomedical Systems (MCHBS 2021) to be held online, on September 28-30, 2021

We are happy to announce the workshop

Mathematical modelling and control for Healthcare and Biomedical Systems (MCHBS 2021) to be held online, on September 28-30, 2021.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together young researchers and leading scientists interested in mathematical modelling and control for biological systems.

We would like to invite you to attend the workshop, and to present your research activity. For any other information concerning registration, abstract submission and important dates, you can visit the website:


The workshop is free of charge but the registration is required.

Further details will follow in a second announcement.

We hope to receive your abstract and to see you all in September. Save the date and spread the information about your interested colleagues and students.

Best regards.

Giuseppe Pontrelli

(on the behalf of the MCHBS2021 organizing committee)